The White Lotus Association of Ireland is an association of dedicated professionals in the fields of Oriental medicine and Oriental physical and meditative arts for the improvement of physical, mental and emotional health.
You will find in our association practitioners who are experts in the fields of:
- Acupuncture and Moxibustion
- Chinese Herbal Medicine
- Medical Qi Gong
- Specialists in TCM Gynaecology and Obstetrics
- Meditative and grounding techniques
- Qi Gong for Health promotion
- Tai Ji Quan
- Non-competition Traditional Chinese Kung Fu for the protection of mind and body.
It is an aim of White Lotus Association of Ireland to:
- provide proven time tested Oriental health education to the general public through our out-reach programmes in schools, public engagements and directed courses
- provide where possible Oriental Medical Intervention to those people who can least afford to pay for necessary and beneficial treatment
- provide a Daoist (Taoist)Spiritual Residential Retreat Centre where members of the public can come and take part in the many courses we will provide for the benefit of the health and welfare of the community
It is the aim of the White Lotus College of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Oriental Arts to provide tuition of the very highest order in Traditional Chinese Medicine and acupuncture and other associated arts such that our students need ever doubt the strength of their training or the depth of their knowledge instilling confidence in them and their clients.